Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Roll Over

I'm not sure if Adam knows what shams are, but he's getting two!

Pictured above are the duvet and shams we picked* for our registry**. For reference, they are the Deirdre Organic Duvet and Shams from Pottery Barn.

* When I say "picked," I mean it's the one (of five patterns that I liked) that we agreed on. After driving Adam crazy only 10 minutes into our PB visit, I knew my number one was not high on his list.

Thankfully, having all but memorized Pottery Barn's bedding inventory, I was able to find something less "dirty looking," as Adam requested, and something that didn't "look like my mother," a goal I had set knowing that I tend towards such decisions.

Case in point.

Plus, it was on sale.

** With that being said, I knew the sale item wouldn't stand a chance on our registry. Thankfully, my future mother-in-law gobbled it up to ensure that we had a true starting point as we begin the registry process. We are so excited and thankful!

That's a win-win-win-win.


1 comment:

  1. kate! they seem perfect for you :)

    i was so glad when nick and i agreed on west elm's sketch duvet: http://www.westelm.com/products/sketch-duvet-cover-and-shams-b546/?pkey=cduvet-covers

    sadly, however, while the shams have been unpacked, the duvet is still currently MIA amidst all the wedding loot...
