Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Derby Days

This past Saturday, my five aunts hosted a Kentucky Derby themed bridal luncheon in my honor at the Mimslyn Inn in Luray, Virginia.

Forget about monogram parties - this was a good theme.

All guests were asked to creatively decorate their hats which couldn't help but remind me of
Derby Days laced with Foxfield - two highly anticipated events within the Greek community at James Madison University.

During Derby Days, there is a fierce house decoration competition; at Foxfield horse races, you aren't caught dead without your hat.

To prove a point:

Over 23 ladies - all donning hats - attended the luncheon which included one male in a seersucker suit: my Uncle Wayne, Master of Ceremonies.

He would've fit in at Foxfield, for sure.

The shower did in fact occur on the day of the Kentucky Derby, but the significance of the theme reaches back to Adam's experience photographing the Derby for Sports Illustrated.

(To view his published photo from two years ago, which was shot from the MetLife Snoopy 2 blimp, click here.)

Derby details were carried out throughout the day - between the hat judging, roses on the tables and mint julep cupcakes made by my Aunt Mimi!

A big THANK YOU to my family for planning and executing this event is southern style, and lots of HUGS to my friends who traveled to join us.

I leave you with a photo of two beloved Tri Delta sisters, Sara and Kerri-Jean.

We've been to Derby Days a time or two.


p.s. - Thanks to Hopkins for providing the Derby Days photos.
ΔΔΔ Nation.

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