Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Online {and in love}

The stats don't lie- I haven't blogged in quite a while.

There have been too many registries to complete, showers to plan and marriage counseling sessions to attend.

To put it simply, I'm exhausted.

I've got good blogging material... it's just being held captive behind my eyelids.

Thankfully, in the midst of the hoopla, I have finished our wedding website. That alone allows me to cross off 23,329 things on my to-do list.

Activating our wedding website means that I have:

- entered guests into the online guest list manager (I'm still amazed that the guest list is finished!)
- compiled blurbs on members of our wedding party
- confirmed all event information
- provided various driving directions via Google Maps (it's 2011, people)
- booked a block of hotel rooms for guests (thanks, Mom!)
- completed all wedding registries
- compiled a list of our favorite Knoxville sites/sounds for out-of-town guests

For all that and more, please click




  1. Yeah, girl! High 5. Getting the wedding website launched is a big (important) accomplishment. I like your ability to share crucial info in a concise and creative way. I tend to be a bit verbose!
